Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee

13th June, 2024

Selby Special Free School Update


Report provided by Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources,

North Yorkshire Council (to be reported verbally – Chris will not be attending meeting).

On 9 April 2024 the planning application for the Selby SEN School was discussed at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting.

The report presented to the committee by the Planning Officer, concluded that the provision of a SEND school will result in public benefits for Selby Area and the surrounding area, resulting in wider community benefits.  The recommendation to Planning Committee was to grant planning permission of the proposal, subject to some conditions.

Committee members had a lengthy discussion regarding the visual impact of the building, the speed limit of the road network around the school, and the security of the site.

The Strategic Planning Committee resolved to Delegate to the Planning Development Manager (Selby Area), in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to Grant Planning Permission following the conclusion of discussions between the applicant and Local Planning Authority on the colour of the proposed cladding to the building, and updated conditions.

Following the committee meeting, the amended conditions have been drafted and are awaiting agreement.  Discussions are also being entered into with the applicant regarding the proposed colour palette.

Once the above items have been agreed by all parties, a decision notice will be issued.

Update since April meeting

Following the conclusion of the planning committee meeting in April all conditions have now been agreed including, specifically, the cladding colour for the new school.

The council expects that a decision notice will be published on Friday 7th June following the agreement of the conditions.

It is anticipated that there will be some communications via the Department for Education through local media outlets following the conclusion of the General Election period regarding the expected delivery programme and opening date for the new school.
